Fiber-reinforced solid composite [1]
Numerical modeling
Material failure: bond-failure model
Numerical method: Immerse Smoothed Particle Galerkin​ (SPG) [2]
There are 20x3 long fibers embedded in the solid plate of a three-point bending model. Consider perfect bonding between fibers and the plate, and their failure EPS values are 0.1 and 0.2, respectively. SPG with conforming mesh and immerse SPG give reasonable deformation profile and converged force results, while FEM with conforming mesh underestimates the force response due to element erosion.
Immerse SPG
This modeling tool can be very useful for performance analysis of the products made by composite material, such as compress molding L-FRP.
Courtesy of JSOL
Failure in plastic
Failure in fiber
In the following impact model, there are 42x4 (0/90/0/90) rebars embedded in 31.4MPa concrete block. Both the deformable projectile and concrete block are modeled by SPG, and the rebar beam elements are embedded in SPG solid through immerse method.