Smooth particles hydrodynamics is a Lagrangian particle method for modeling fluid flows and solid bodies. The method is able to avoid the mesh tangling problem encountered by the conventional FEM in extremely large deformation analysis. It is very suitable to model the complex free surface and material interface behavior, including break-up into fragments naturally. It has been applied extensively to incompressible flows, heat conduction and high explosive problems.
Capable to handle extremely large deformation
Capable to handle free surface, moving boundary and interface
Straightforward to be combined with adaptive procedure
Current implementation [ex]
Lagrangian framework
2D, axisymmetric and 3D solid
Fluid (FSI: regular contact options)
Coupling SPH with
Other SPH parts
Solid elements
Particles modeled by SPG, DEM and Peridynamics
Adaptively converting solid elements into SPH particles
Thermal-mechanical coupling​
Explicit analysis
Tensile instability (zero energy mode)
Less accurate compare to Galerkin method (e.g. FEM)
Computationally expensive
Forging and extrusion, metal cutting and foam packing
High velocity impact and bird strike
Fragmentation and spallation of solid
Explosion, underwater explosion and soil penetration
Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) and bottle dropping
Sloshing, splashing and water jet drilling
Incompressible fluid
Bird stike
Frictional stir welding